Jane's story

Doplňovací cvičení - úroveň: pre-intermediate

Doplňte mezery vhodným slovesem ve správném čase (případně i pomocným slovesem). Potom stiskněte "Zkontrolovat". Klepnutím na tlačítko "Nápověda" vám bude napovězeno vždy jedno písmeno. Když klepnete na tlačítko "[?]" objeví se požadované sloveso v infinitivu. Za každou nápovědu však ztrácíte body!

Jane is a lovely teenage girl from a small village in the Czech Republic. She always about a tall, handsome boy with long hair. One day, while she from school to the bus station, she a boy of her dreams. He on a big strong motorcycle in front of the bank. She never such an attractive young man before. He almost two meters tall and long dark hair with a "dread" hairstyle. He a black leather jacket and trousers, which his figure look very slim and sexy. "It's now or never," Jane to herself. "I and talk to him. But I must hurry, besause he his motorbike just now!" She quickly to the boy. While she , another boy out of the bank. He a mask on his head and in his hand he a black plastic bag. He around and to the motorcyclist. Before he him, Jane already to the boy. She him: " you like to go to the cinema with me?" The boy was so surprised, that he off his motorbike.The other man his bag down and him with the bike. Jane shocked. Before she could say anything, they away. Jane up the bag (which contained about a hundred million Czech crowns) and to the bus station.