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Interaktivní doplňovací cvičení - obtížnost: elementary

Doplň chybějící slova, pak klikni na "Zkontrolovat". Pokud nevíš, klikni na "Nápověda" a zobrazí se ti vždy jedno písmeno daného slova. Když klikneš na "[?]", zobrazí se pomůcka. Za každé použití nápovědy a pomůcky ztrácíš body!

A: What you ?
B: I my bike. I am with it. I it every day!
A: And where you ?
B: To the leisure centre, I there every Saturday.
A: What you at the leisure centre?
B: I usually go in the swimming pool, or tennis at the tennis court, but today I can’t. I’ve my knee. And what you here?
A: I for my girlfriend; we to the cinema. Look! Can you that man in the car? He in his pyjamas! It’s amazing. He must be crazy, normal people in their pyjamas!
B: No, I think he sleepwalking.
A: Don’t be stupid; people don’t in the afternoon. I think he hurrying somewhere. Once I hurried and I out in my pyjamas, because I forgot to . But people laughed at me, so I got back and my clothes on.
B: Look, he opposite the police station and out of the car.
A: Yes, I can see, he the road and towards the police building... He to a policeman and showing him something... What is it? It’s a Teddy Bear.
B: Did you hear the news yesterday? They that the famous Elvis’ Teddy got lost - a fan it on a bus. Perhaps it’s this one.
A: Yes, maybe. But I must go now, the weather is horrible - it’s again.
B: Okay, I too. See you!