Eva's Weekend

Doplňovací cvičení

Doplňte mezery vhodným slovesem ve správném čase. Potom stiskněte "Zkontrolovat". Klepnutím na tlačítko "Nápověda" vám bude napovězeno vždy jedno písmeno. Když klepnete na tlačítko "[?]" objeví se požadované sloveso v češtině v infinitivu. Za každou nápovědu však ztrácíte body!

Eva a very busy weekend. On Saturday morning she up very early. She up, a shower and dressed. Then she her bed. Her mum help with the housework so Eva up, clothes and then she to the shops. After dinner she her friend Lenka. They Lenka’s bedroom. They a good laugh. In the Evening they to the disco. They a good time there. They , some non-alcoholic drinks and even some other things, which can’t be mentioned here, because they are illegal. On Sunday morning Eva a little ill so she in bed till one o’clock. She to drink some coffee. But on Monday at school she o.k. and her friends didn’t her.